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Why I belong in a different generation... I write in cursive. I love old movies & old music, modern pop culture does not appeal to me. I miss the old days before cell phones, when- if you didn’t answer your phone that simply meant that you were obviously gone or busy and people couldn’t demand anything more. I enjoy cooking from scratch with real ingredients (I don’t really trust fake sugars, fake butter or other chemical ‘diet’ substitutes.) I think people should just eat less and move more, and just sit on there bottoms whole lot less. I love hand written letters. Of course I appreciate many of the conveniences of technology, but overall I think these machines often absorb more time than they save. I marvel at the idea that not so long ago, 9-5 jobs actually existed and a man could provide for his entire family with his one income. My morals are old fashion too, I believe that people should not sleep together or live together before they are married, I think Sundays should still be observed as the Sabbath rather than a play day and I don’t even mind the idea of prohibition. And there is so much emphasis on skinny these days... I know that my curves would have fit in much better in any other generation where real women had curves. I love classy vintage styles and actually prefer wearing dresses/skirts. Of course I love the idea of things just being cheaper... and I prefer to pay in cash. I believe that women deserve to be courted and men need to put in a little more work to get the girl. I consider myself patriotic and I am grateful and proud to be an American, which often seems to be a thing of the past too. I don’t mind cheesy musicals. I love old ornate architecture and individual style. I know there are so many wonderful things about being born into this generation that would be hard to give up but all too frequently I just feel like an old soul and maybe I belong in a different generation...