Need I say more... It's wonderful and I love it. I blame my father for this. He spreads butter thicker than cream cheese so that you can see his teeth marks in each bite... I went through a phase where I tried to stop liking it and would dab it off like grease and then I remember several years ago I was having insane cravings for butter. I was convinced that it meant I must be pregnant and I let myself at it. Four years later and that craving has not stopped and I don't think it ever will. The tricky thing about butter is that it is so delicious but it cannot hold its own. It's kind of every one's best friend- bread, popcorn, veggies, meat... But in my opinion, Sugar is butter's soul mate. They are just one of those killer couples that everybody loves to hang out with! I have read magazines that tell you to always use unsalted butter and others say to use salted... I don't really care all that much- butter is butter as long as it's not "I can't believe it's not butter," or one of those other wannabes. Sometimes I make toast, planning to put some pb&j on it or maybe honey or jam... and two out of three times I end up with just good old butter because I don't want anything else to steal its thunder. (I sort of feel guilty writing all of this because I have a sweetheart little niece who cannot eat dairy and I have tried so many times to not let her realize what she is missing... but the truth is- butter and cheese are two of my great weaknesses in life!) I sort of feel like this is my confession on this great indulgence. Butter is one of those things that skinny people refuse to admit that they like. Perhaps I just needed to come out and explain why I have that extra layer around my belly. And at this point my vanity is losing to my inner foodie. Yes I cook with it, in fact it's the only thing that makes my cooking any good. So I must agree with the great quote by Julia Child, "With enough butter, anything is good..."