I had the most amazing pear this morning and for some reason it got me to thinking about how much I absolutely loved pears as a kid. I mostly remember eating them at my Aunt Melody’s house. I actually remember asking her where she got them because I liked her food so much and she told me that she would drive to the Smith’s in Provo (about 20 min from where we lived) to do her grocery shopping because they had better produce and deli (she always had fresh deli turkey too).
There was one particular day that I spent the morning at her house before going to half day kindergarten and she let me take one of her pears with me. I was eating it as I walked into the school and down the hallway to class when I took a bite and my loose tooth, that I had been wiggling all week, fell off right into the pear. I can still remember the visual of blood on my precious pear. I went straight to the school office rather than to class because I was scared and I don’t react well to blood so I probably thought it was a really big deal losing my first tooth and all. But they gave me a tissue and drink of water, maybe an ice cube to suck on and went back to class.
I think of my five year old nieces/nephews now and realize that these memories can last a lifetime. The foods you eat and things that you say might just stick. My other favorite was that Auntie M always had the real fruit roll ups, “the expensive ones”, but to this day these are a staple in my cupboard even if I have learned that they are sugar loaded too!