Friday, January 23, 2009
Do they see what I see?
Have you ever been conversing with a friend or family member and realised that they see themselves very differently than how you see them. OR- they see you very differently than you view yourself? Self perception really is such a strange thing. I still don't know how to tell who is really accurate, because one would think that they know themselves the best- but often times the clearer view is outside of you. I have met people who think they are the greatest while I am not at all impressed and I have met amazing people who think of themselves as insignificant in every way. How does this happen? How do we decide what we see? Is it how we feel or what we have heard others say? If you and your best friend filled out a survey about you- would your answers be the same? Or what if your mom, your teacher, and your boy friend all took that same survey- would they all describe you in different ways because of your various experiences with them? I think it is important to understand yourself and know who you are and who you want to be. It may be important to consider the opinions of others you trust to help you understand your own behaviors or feelings about you. It seems that the most accurate view would be to take into account those around you and compare it with your own. You may learn more about yourself. And you may have insight to share about others.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Where do you browse?

When you dream, what do you dream about? What books do you buy, what magazines do you read, what websites do you visit? What gets your attention? There is so much available to us, information and shopping and social networking... So when you are surfing the Internet where do you waste your time... Some people shop- always looking for good deals or the latest items. Some are addicted to eBay, and others to baby clothes. Some, like my husband, can spend hours on sports pages reading articles and checking stats or scores. Some people look at things they shouldn't-(I won't go there)- Some people go for self-help stuff or health & fitness. Others read recipes and others read about real estate. And some discover craft projects while others read celebrity gossip or others watch Hulu and YouTube nonstop. But if you were to catch me doing something non-work related while at my desk... I would probably be found on,,, Travelocity, Expedia, Travel Leisure, Marriott, Delta...etc. I would be dreaming about my next vacation, planning a getaway or counting how many more miles i need to go somewhere. I can't explain, but when I walk in a book store I find myself in the travel section reading and dreaming. I know that everyone has an outlet that they find at their desk or at the mall or in a magazine... what is yours?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Real Happy Endings

I'm sure everyone already saw this on the news or maybe watched it live. But I just have to say that I love real live Happy Endings- No reality TV set-up or script, and although these passengers were probably a little traumatized, they will be all more grateful for their lives.
So Tired....

My friend with a newborn baby said the other day that it takes a while for a baby to figure out how to sleep at night and be awake in the day because in the womb it's all the same... So this proves that we are not born with it! It's something we train our bodies to do. I can see why back in the day there was no other option because lack of lighting made the night ours less productive, and we do need our sleep, so it made sense- but the whole morning thing, waking up when it's still dark- it has never been and probably never will be natural or easy for me. I've been doing it my whole life and I still dread every morning!!! So after staying up too late last night, now I sit at my desk at work, trying my darndest to stay awake. Bloodshot eyes and raw skin demonstrate my lack of beauty sleep. Don't get my wrong- I love the day, I love the sun, I love the light.... But I hate the mornings. Just a few more hours would make all the difference... Or at least compensate with the whole siesta thing- the Spanish are certainly onto something there!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Tail-wagging smiles

I can't take claim to this original thought, for my mother once came up with it and it has since always made me laugh when it comes to mind. So dogs can't really smile, so they have to show their smiles and happiness through wagging their tails. It's cute and all when they do it- but wouldn't it just be funny if we couldn't smile, and wagged our bottoms instead? Just try it some time, keep a straight face and wiggle your booty when you are happy...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Scales & Mirrors

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
So here we go...
I guess this is the beginning of sharing my thoughts on any random thing that comes to mind. I'm sure at times this will be repetitious and I have no idea who my audience will be, but this will be a form of online journaling for me. Not in the sense of what I did today.... but what I thought about. Probably things of no interest to anyone else, but perhaps an opportunity to see into someone else's brain for a moment. I don't always plan to make a lot of sense or do a lot of editing, but just let it flow. So here we go! Enjoy!
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