My friend with a newborn baby said the other day that it takes a while for a baby to figure out how to sleep at night and be awake in the day because in the womb it's all the same... So this proves that we are not born with it! It's something we train our bodies to do. I can see why back in the day there was no other option because lack of lighting made the night ours less productive, and we do need our sleep, so it made sense- but the whole morning thing, waking up when it's still dark- it has never been and probably never will be natural or easy for me. I've been doing it my whole life and I still dread every morning!!! So after staying up too late last night, now I sit at my desk at work, trying my darndest to stay awake. Bloodshot eyes and raw skin demonstrate my lack of beauty sleep. Don't get my wrong- I love the day, I love the sun, I love the light.... But I hate the mornings. Just a few more hours would make all the difference... Or at least compensate with the whole siesta thing- the Spanish are certainly onto something there!
Friday, January 16, 2009
So Tired....
Sometimes I get down right annoyed at the fact that a bunch of early birds run the world. For some reason they make everyone work on their clocks when the reality is that for some of us, it's just so much easier to stay awake at night than it is in the morning. I would love to be a lazy cat who can see in the dark and stay up all night and sleep in the warm sun all day.... Don't cat's kill birds in the whole circle of life thing? So why are the early birds still on top? And what's so great about getting the worm anyway?