So I was thinking last night that Scales and Mirrors are most definitely not my friends. And then I got to thinking what the world would be like without them? I can understand the purpose of scales for measuring goods and such, but whoever thought of putting people on them was just cruel. Mirrors and scales sort of have a lot in common when it comes to people- they are supposed to let you know where you stand- but of course, we wouldn't know what is expected without society and media to compare against... So mirrors, this includes all things like mirrors, cameras and such... but really- what if you never knew what you looked like and you had to trust others? What about back in cave-man days when all they saw was a rare reflection in a clear lake.

Do mirrors make us more self centered? More self consumed? If you never looked at yourself then would you focus more on those around you? Would you admire the beauty of others and not compare it against your own. Perhaps the whole world of make-up and nose jobs would never have evolved without mirrors. Is there any correlation between time spent looking in mirrors and self-absorption or vanity? Will there be mirrors in heaven? Perhaps we should spend a little less time looking into physical mirrors and consider the reflections of our lives that allow us to see who we are and who we have become through experiences and choices we have made.