Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dreams are so weird

Dreams are so weird and I just remembered mine. I think it was from this morning while snoozing between my alarms. (It takes three for me to get going in the morning- my poor husband!) And I wanted to go back to sleep to find out what happens.... (which never works.) I don't even know where to begin- places that are supposed to be familiar but are not, people from work mixing with TV characters. Being in it and yet feeling like you are watching it like a movie too... And story plots changing constantly and only remembering pieces and then thinking about it the rest of the day until you eventually forget. And sometimes you are in extremely bizarre or scary circumstances that don't seem weird at all when they are in the dream, like part of mine this morning there was a group of us in some cabana type camp somewhere and somebody was going to shoot me... Other than that I remember glimpses and scenes that have no story line. Dreams are just weird- I don't understand them and never have?