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I have heard it a million times, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” It’s not because there is really something wrong with the squeaky wheel or that the other wheels don’t need grease too… it’s really just that all that squeaking gets annoying so that wheel gets greased just to “shut it up.” Same thing goes for people I guess, the people who demand, ask or impose more frequently get what they want because it’s annoying and everyone else wants it to stop and “shut them up.” But strangely enough, squeaky wheels usually keep on squeaking even after the grease. In fact, sometimes they become squeakier and the cycle continues. It’s sad when the other silent wheels dutifully perform without a peep but are neglected and unrewarded. If you apply the principles of survival of the fittest… it’s a strange debate- will the one that demands more survive because they get more, or will the others survive because they have learned how to survive on their own or without excess? It’s difficult to say because in the natural world the latter would certainly be best. But in this very complex modern human world, there is good reason to believe that the former might prevail because they can prey on the soft hearted who can’t say no or they can manipulate others rights to feel discouraged not to give in or take advantage of those who have other things to worry about and will do anything to stop the squeaking. Doesn’t anyone realize that the squeaky wheel is not the majority but just because the squeaking can get so loud and annoying the other wheels are forgotten? The others are too sensible to know that there is no point in squeaking too, that would just cause headaches for everyone. Clearly I am not a fan of these lines of justice being so blurred, frankly- it’s just not fair. But I guess I’ve heard that one before too… “Life isn’t fair...” is it?