Friday, August 21, 2009

Brown Paper Packages...

It started at a young age, walking home from the bus stop and always checking the mailbox. I would peruse the pile of mail, looking for a handwritten item. Of course nobody really sends mail to a ten year old but it was still exciting, and as my brothers and sisters served missions abroad I loved looking for the special envelopes with unique stamps when they would write home. I still unlock my mailbox and quickly peruse every day after work, I love almost anything that’s not junk mail. Postcards, packages, little notes... It’s much less frequent these days since we have instant communication through the Internet, but even there I have learned the excitement of real emails verses spam. I also think that online shopping has made its mark now that I watch people anticipate the day of delivery. It’s much more exciting than buying an item in the store, there is something about waiting to get what you want and not knowing exactly when it will arrive, this anticipation enhances the excitement even when it’s from yourself. And then receiving that brown paper package seems to carry a little bit of magic like opening gifts on Christmas morning. Since I get to deliver the mail in our office, I see people light up as I walk to their desk with a package in hand. And I can’t blame them, because I would too. It’s a funny thing, and this may be the only reason that I ever do announcements or Christmas cards (if I ever do) just for the sake of knowing that somebody is smiling on the other end when they see an envelope with their name and it’s not a bill. I know that I’m a little old fashion, but starting today I think I will start sending more mail… Maybe one thing a week? Perhaps today I will make a trip to the post office for some Forever Stamps (these are such a great idea if you haven’t caught on!) I just love the smiles from snail mail!