I have never been a big TV watcher. I went through my phases over the years, the Flintstones and later Saved by the Bell. But I never really could keep up with those weekly shows that you had to follow. I remember friends having ER parties in high school and although I think I went a couple of times I never really kept up. I managed to dodge all of the Bachelor Final Rose parties in college and the Jack Bauer fans with their all night 24 marathons. One Christmas break my family did get my husband and I stuck on Lost, but even that has been too much work to keep up. Up until two years ago I had never even seen an episode of the Bachelor or American Idol. But when I moved to San Fran and started making new friends, it sounds silly but I honestly felt socially excluded just because I had no idea what anyone was talking about. It was like they were all talking about their mutual friends that I didn’t know. So discovering life in the fog, without homework, friends or family near by… I shamefully admit that I gave in that year and started watching… It started with The Bachelor and American Idol because those were the most talked about… one thing lead to another and I found myself sucked into Dancing with the Stars, So you think you can Dance, The Office (which I already enjoyed) then added 30 Rock, and then starting flipping over to Ugly Betty and Grey’s Anatomy during advertisements and being sucked into those too! I fell for the one fabulous season of Pushing Daisies (and loved it!) but then started watching the not so great shows that followed like Private Practice and even a few episodes of Dirty Sexy Money (total trash!), and the occasional Desperate Housewives. And without DVR, my nights were booked watching the television. It was like I had discovered TV and Pop Culture for the first time, it was addictive and unbelievably unproductive. I can’t even imagine what would have happened if I had cable! (But I even rented Gossip Girl for a while to keep up on what I was missing) All of it kept me up late and squandered my time- but I finally knew my who’s who when it came to TV talk with friends and I joined the Final Rose parties and I still talk about Liz Lemon like she is my friend. The writers strike and a new job that started early put a little damper on my vice for a while and I took a step back from it all. I became more selective and then thank goodness we moved into a new apartment a few months ago. Since we don’t have cable or DVR or anything we use bunny ears (our TV is digital) and our new place does not get very good reception. The summer TV Hiatus followed our move and I have purged myself of my TV addictions. Our television has become a black box decoration in the living room and my oh my…. I am loving it! I don’t have a clue what’s in the fall line-up. And I can’t remember the last time I watched anything on there other than an occasional movie. I am loving my life back, my time and my own thoughts and finishing more books. Although it’s sad that they are getting a divorce, I love that I don’t know who John and Kate are! I am fine with being out of the loop on TV Gossip. I know that not all TV is a bad thing, you can learn a lot from certain programs and it can be a good way to unwind. But all in moderation right? Be careful what you let into your home through the channels of the media! I am totally fine with going back to my TV free life. I’m sure I will watch an occasional show, but I will most likely rent or watch online so I know that I am choosing to watch it and not just doing it because it’s on next…