I admit, I am a fan too. She is a pretty amazing woman who has built quite an empire. She is one of the most
influential people in America, and I'm not sure about her international presence but she must be right up there with the most
influential women in the world. And what makes her impact so strong? Her viewers find her more credible than the news or
Wikipedia. Why? Because she is their "friend." Don't we all believe our friends more than anyone else? Oprah has a magic about her that makes people view her as their equal. So despite her billions of dollars, she can make a poor woman feel like she really knows how it feels to wear the same pair of shoes for ten years. I don't know how she does it, but I honestly think she just has a gift for empathy and understanding. She can fit right in with the Hollywood glamor one moment and then have a heart to heart with stay at home moms the next. And despite the fact that she is not married and does not have children she is very motherly and in tune with families. I know many are critical of her popularity, but my guess is that her critics have not actually watched the show. If you watch it for a week you are bound to have at least one or two stories really interest you. And even though she may be liberal, she has many conservative fans because for the most part she maintains a lot of conservative views. Of course I have wondered, does she have to act like she likes certain things just to please her audience? Is she really herself? Who knows, but she puts on a pretty good show if she's acting! Oprah is certainly one of a kind and I don't think anyone will really be able to replace her, despite the attempts from all of the other daytime talk show hosts, Oprah has class that the others are lacking so far. The Oprah Show is quite the epidemic, she has the power and means to do what many of us cannot. She educates and explores for us, while we watch from our living rooms. Regardless of whether I agree with her on everything or not, I am still amazed. So the epidemic will continue as long as we continue to hear women in all social circles and various circumstances start their stories with, "On Oprah the other day..."