I'm pretty sure a little leprechaun bandit follows me around and collects the small, important and often expensive things in my life.... It has been going on for years and here are a few of the most popular items of his collection: Wallets, Keys, Passports, Phones, watches, retainers, and cameras.... And not just once, but many of these have been lost, stolen or broken multiple times. Would you believe me if I told you that at one point I had so many passports issued in so few years that the State department put me on some sort of probation where they issued me a "temporary" one while they looked into my case to make sure I wasn't selling them on the black market or something. I had to wait six months and for a permission letter before I could reapply. Oh wait and would you believe that I had three drivers licenses by the time I was 20? Do you have any idea how annoying it is to go wait in line in slow government offices to get these kinds of things multiple times? Oh- and as for the small and expensive items- I had four retainers before My parents stopped paying for them and my teeth went crooked again- and cameras are the latest expense that has me thinking that the little leprechaun bandit is now following my husband as well! We are on our way to our third camera in two years right now! I am certainly not proud to admit to any of these things but it is becoming much more than a painful coincidence! My Paris friends will tell you about the night that I was robbed twice- my wallet in the Metro and my Sephora shopping bag in the McDonalds restroom. I don't know how to explain, if it's not lost then it's broken and if it's not broken then it gets stolen... I thought leprechauns were supposed to bring good luck- but it seems that my little friend does quite the contrary!