We must often adapt to the unexpected detours in life, sometimes we are running out of time and have to go without the perfect garnish or accessories in order to accomplish the overall goal, or you run into traffic on your way to a movie and change your plans to go bowling instead. Sometimes our plans change to accommodate somebody else or are out of our control and although it forces us to take a different rout or live a different way- we must move forward.
These things happen every day and we make a choice in how we react to the changes. Do we look back with regret? Do we obsess over what we missed or what went wrong? Or do we embrace the new set of unanticipated opportunities that come with it?
I have a tendency to over analyse and I have reacted to these situations in many different ways at different times. But I have learned that my greatest happiness is when I enjoy the journey that I am on and let it take it's course.
Decisions are not easy for me, and they linger with me long after they have been made as I wonder, "did I make the best choice?" But after wasted time looking back on the "other road" I have learned that the best choice is the one that you allow yourself to enjoy and adapt to. Yo can certainly learn from the past, but there is no point in fretting over decisions that have already been made and you can no longer change.
So when you find yourself on that other road, or in locked traffic, ask yourself "where do I go from here?" You can't make it to the movie on time, so how can you adjust your plans and still have a nice evening? It would be a silly waste of time and energy to stop and have a pity party about missing the show right?
So when it comes to real life... when you don't get that job, or you break up with that guy, or you move far from home...... think about what else is out there that you can enjoy and make a life out of it without regrets about things you can't change. Learn from yourself and look forward to what else is in store for you!